¿Who are we?
Nativus was founded with the aim to increase urban biodiversity. On this journey we love to take into account interdisciplinary focuses, visions and opinions.
Liliana Jaramillo
Is a biologist who received a Masters in Environment focusing on conservation and sustainable cities. She is the founder of Nativus and developed the project with a perspective towards species conservation and functional spaces.
Martha Pazmiño
Passionate about plants and nature. Her knowledge and experience on plant care let us understand the potential of native plants use and care in the urban environment.
Paola Ayala U.
She completed her undergraduate degree in Architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and a master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at the Leibniz Universität Hannover in Germany. Her interest leans heavily towards the recovery and reactivation of spaces, complementing the work towards a design approach, to propose spaces that improve the quality of life in the city.