Need assessment?
Flor de papel, Alcancel
- 1m tall shrub
- Climbing habit, can get up to 2 m
- Blooms all year round
- Low water demand
- 1m tall shrub
- Climbing habit, can get up to 2 m
- Blooms all year round
- Low water requirement
Ñukchu, Callanayuyo
- Creeping growth, 1m tall
- Salvia genus
- Pollinator attractant
- Low water requirement
Antimona, mangoparqui
(Purple Leaf Sage)
- Is a type of Sage
- 1m tall shrub
- Pollinator attractant
- Medium water requirement
Salvia rosada
(Quito’s Sage)
- 2m tall shrub
- Native only to Ecuador
- Blooms all year round
- Pollinator attractant